comes with hooks to manipulate history that are built on top of the CRDT library you are using.
- For Yjs (
), it is built on top of the UndoManager. - For Loro (
), this feature is not yet supported.
This will allow users to apply undos and redos to Pluv storage mutations.
Relevant Hooks
Undoing a storage mutation
Assume you have storage defined like so:
import { yjs } from "@pluv/crdt-yjs";
import { createBundle, createClient } from "@pluv/react";
const client = createClient({
initialStorage: yjs.doc(() => ({
messages: yjs.array([
message: "hello",
name: "leedavidcs",
// ...
export const pluv = createBundle(client);
To undo a storage mutation, you will need to wrap your mutation with a transaction.
const transact = pluv.useTransact();
const [messages, sharedType] = pluv.useStorage();
// We can undo this
transact(() => {
// We can also access all shared types to undo like this
transact((tx) => {
// We cannot undo this
Then from anywhere within the PluvRoomProvider
, you can undo your last transacted operation.
const undo = pluv.useUndo();
const redo = pluv.useRedo();